Nagarjuna’s Bangarraju has got off to a solid start even before it has gone on floors. The film which will start shooting on August 20th has inked an all-inclusive deal with Zee network for Rs 47 crores. The film is aiming for a Sankranti 2022 release. The deal gives total rights to Zee for the Theatrical+Digital+Satellite release.
This deal is being considered as a smart move by the makers as the Sankranti season is already packed with a number of Tollywood biggies. Nagarjuna also had a rough time at the box office for his last two releases.
Ramya Krishna will once again make a return from the original along with Nagarjuna. Nagarjuna will play the double in this sequel as well. The movie will also have Naga Chaitanya and Krithi Shetty. Bangarraju is a sequel to the 2016 socio fantasy drama Soggade Chinni Nayana directed by Kalyan Krishna, who will direct the sequel.
The sequel will be set in Rajahmundry and will pick up from where the first part ended. The shoot of the film will commence on August 20th in Hyderabad and a lavish set is constructed in Annapurna Studios for the same. The makers are planning to complete the entire production by November.