The recently released Balakrishna’s Unstoppable promo has heightened the fan’s excitement to another level. Everyone was curious to see how the senior actor adapts to the small screen and if there is going to be any change to his demeanour. These questions have met their answers and now we know what exactly to expect.
The Unstoppable promo is packed with trademark Balakrishna dialogues and mannerisms. The Akhanda actor looks impressive and has been given a great look for the show. The show will be packed with some candid conversations and will have big dose of fun as well.
Prasanth Varma has directed the show’s promo while famous reality show director Arun Seshkumar will handle the direction of the main episodes. The celebrity talk show will see Balayya along with a number of celebrity guests on the sets.
The talk show will premiere on Aha on November 4th. Balayya has already shot for a few episodes.