Balakrishna’s upcoming film Veera Simha Reddy is all set to hit screens on 12th January. The film has created a good buzz in trade and general audience with its promotional content. Veera Simha Reddy‘s Worldwide theatrical rights are valued at 73.3Crs. The film has a good chance to achieve breakeven mark at Box-office adding Sankranthi holiday advantage. Here’s Balakrishna’s Veera Simha Reddy Worldwide Pre-Release business and Box-office classification.
Balakrishna’s Veera Simha Reddy Worldwide Pre-Release Business & Box-office Classification
AREA | Pre Business |
Nizam | 15 Cr |
Ceded | 13 Cr |
Uttarandhra | 9 Cr |
Guntur | 6.5 Cr |
East Godavari | 5.5 Cr |
West Godavari | 5 Cr |
Krishna | 5 Cr |
Nellore | 2.8 Cr |
AP/TS | 61.8 Cr |
ROI | 5 Cr |
Overseas | 6.5 Cr |
Worldwide | 73.3 Cr |
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