Balakrishna’s NBK 108 has locked the Dussehra season for its release date. The makers recently announced that the film will be hitting the screens on the festive occasion. Balayya will be looking to score a hat-trick with this project and the positive buzz around the film has made it quite a favorable situation to score another box-office success after Akhanda and Veera Simha Reddy.
NBK 108 has created a positive buzz in the trade circles and digital rights were bought by Amazon prime for 35Cr. This is a record deal for Balakrishna film by a big margin. While Kajal will play the lead opposite Balayya, Sree Leela will be playing the senior actor’s daughter role. The film is said to be high on action and emotions and will have enough fun elements as well.
Anil Ravipudi is directing this mass entertainer which will have all the commercial aspects to satisfy the fans along with his trademark humour elements. NBK 108 will have a Telangana backdrop and will feature Balayya in a never-before avatar. Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi are producing this movie under the Shine Screens banner. Thaman S is composing music for this film.