Balakrishna gave a surprising and shocking response when he was asked about competition in the pre-release event of his upcoming film, Bhagavanth Kesari. Normally, when the films get released in competition, the heroes, and team wish for other releases as well. At the same event, Thaman and Anil Ravipudi wished other films like Tiger Nageswara Rao and Leo should get success, but Balakrishna’s response was surprising and shocking to everyone.
Balakrishna said that Anil Ravipudi is directing different films, and he is a boon to the industry. Balakrishna, who has done research in the areas of get-up, slang and other aspects, clarified it that good results can be achieved in any field only if there is a competition. “I am the only competition for me, no one is competing, and I don’t care about anyone” he said.
Balakrishna was speaking at the press meet of Bhagavanth Kesari held in Hyderabad. Balakrishna said that his 108th film is coming to the audience as part of Sharannavaratri celebrations and the deity’s name is associated with 108. Balayya said that Durga means woman power and revealed that the film is full of power.
Balayya said that Thaman’s music is wonderful and Kajal has ruled the industry for many years as a star heroine. After marriage, she took a break and made a re-entry. On behalf of the team, he thanked her for agreeing to play the role of Katyayani in the film. He also expressed hope that Sree Leela will become a great actress. In the emotional scenes, and they both acted without glycerine. “Everyone comes out of the theater with tears in their eyes. The audience has to stand up and clap for every scene” said Balakrishna.
Yesterday, Tiger Nageswara Rao’s pre-release event took place and Ravi Teja said best wishes to both Leo and Bhagavanth Kesari films, but Balakrishna gave a surprising and shocking response when he was asked about competition.