Tollywood Actor Balakrishna attended the ceremony of the 10 Years for Legend. The event marks the 10th anniversary of his blockbuster hit, Legend directed by Boyapati Srinu. The cast and crew were present but one of the lead heroines of the film, Radhika Apte didn’t attend the event. Legend was released on March 28, 2014, and became the then-biggest grosser for both Boyapati Srinu and Balakrishna. The actor spoke at the event and some of his words felt he is not in reality.
Balakrishna said that everybody concentrates only on the collections today rather than the movie’s run. He mocked the movie teams claiming that they wrongly interpret the film’s collection even if the film runs for days in the theatres. He talked about Paathala Bhairavi, Mayabazaar, and Devadas which created history with their run in theatres. Balakrishna compared Legend to those films saying that Legend had a great run at the theatres. He also brought up the films, Simhaa and Akhanda.
The Actor thinks that these films are unique and creative but these are regular commercial blockbusters and nowhere to such yesteryear classics. Balakrishna and Boyapati may join hands again for a 4th film in their combo. Fans speculate that it could be Akhanda’s sequel but nothing has been confirmed yet.