There is no need to specially introduce about the rivalry between Nandamuri Balakrishna and Megastar Chiranjeevi as star heroes. Since ages, they have been competitors at the box office and, except for one or two times, Balakrishna was unable to win over Chiranjeevi. Especially from Indra movie, Chiranjeevi has completely dominated Balakrishna. Now after many years, it looks like Balakrishna has a chance to overtake Chiranjeevi.
Balakrishna was nowhere near to Chiranjeevi after the Indra movie. Even after Chiranjeevi taking a break for almost a decade and giving a comeback, Balakrishna’s numbers were not even half of Chiranjeevi’s films’ pre business or numbers at the box office, but recently Balakrishna has raised so well at the box office and started to give consistent hits.
Now with Bhola Shankar Chiranjeevi has seen his career biggest disaster which could not even collect in the half range of his previous film’s day 1 figure. On the other side, Balakrishna is in terrific form with back 2 back hits and his next film is with Anil Ravipudi.
Now If Balakrishna scores a massive success with Bhagavanth kesari then definitely Balakrishna will match or even may overtake the business of Chiranjeevi’s films. As of now, it is certain that Bhagavanth Kesari’s first day collections will be more than Bhola Shankar’s full run.