Balakrishna and Anil Ravipudi’s upcoming project has created a lot of excitement and curiosity among the fans ever since it was announced. The film marks the first collaboration between Anil Ravipudi and Balayya and everyone is wondering how this project will turn out to be considering how contrasting their styles are.
NBK 108 is slated to release later this year and already the tentative title for the movie has started doing rounds on social media. NBK’s character name in the film is said to be Bhagavath Kesari and the movie’s title is expected to be the same. This title looks surprising and unique and it needs to be seen how the people will respond to it.
This mass entertainer will have all the commercial aspects to satisfy the fans along with Anil Ravipudi’s trademark humour elements. NBK 108 will have a Telangana backdrop and will feature Balayya in a never-before avatar. Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi are producing this movie under the Shine Screens banner. Thaman S is composing music for this film. Kajal Agarwal will play the lead while Sree Leela will be playing a key role of Balayya’s daughter in this project.