Nandamuri Balakrishna and actress Sree Leela will grace the upcoming TANA conference. If the inside reports are to be believed, Balakrishna is on his way to the US on July 5. It is being reported that received a special invitation from TANA (Telugu Association of North America). Balakrishna will leave on July 5 to meet the Telugu people in America and participate in those meetings. Sree Leela will also participate in the same meetings. After returning to India from there, the shooting of ‘Bhagavanth Kesari’ will start again.
The 23rd conference of Telugu Association of North America (TANA) will be arranged from July 7 – 9 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.
Balakrishna, Sree Leela and the other star cast are currently participating in the shooting of ‘Bhagavanth Kesari’. The climax portion scenes are being shot at present. It is learned that the schedule will continue until July 5. Thereafter, the unit will take a short break.
Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia has been selected as the 23rd TANA Conference Venue, The TANA conference will be held from July 7th to 9th, 2023 in Pennsylvania Convention Center. TANA Executive Committee appointed Mr. Ravi Potluri as the 23rd TANA Conference Coordinator. Let’s see how the presence of Nandamuri Balakrishna and Sree Leela will bring to the TANA conference.