Venu Yeldandi’s Balagam is shining bright on all platforms. Theatrically, the film is doing brilliantly even one month after release. On OTT, it has received an amazing response and now, the film is also winning big on the International stage.
Balagam won Best Feature Film and Best Feature Film Cinematography awards at the Los Angeles Cinematography Awards. This is now the third big award already for the film. Taking to Twitter, Venu shared this news with film lovers.
Starring Priyadarshi Pulikonda, Kavya Kalyanram, Muralidhar Goud, Jayaram, Roopa and Kethiri Sudhakar Reddy in major roles Balagam was released as a small film and became a huge blockbuster at the box office. Dil Raju Productions has bankrolled the film and it has created a massive storm at the box office. Especially in Nizam, the film is on its way to the Rs 20 crore mark.