Venu’s Balagam starring Priyadarshi and Kavya Kalyanram is doing wonders at the box office. The film had a terrific 2nd weekend and performed exceptionally well at the Nizam box office. The 2nd-weekend collections are way higher than 1st weekend thanks to unanimous positive reports and strong word of mouth.
The movie presented a realistic depiction of society’s functioning, tragedies, and conventions that affect the people in it. The slice-of-life drama strongly appealed to the viewers and the result has been quite overwhelming with critics as well as the audience giving the film a strong push.
Day 10 is the best day for Balagam so far and the crossed 10Cr mark on the 10th day with close to 2/3 of collections coming from Nizam territory alone. This is a massive success for this small film which was made on a shoestring budget with a talented star cast.
Muralidhar Goud, Jayaram, Roopa, Racha Ravi, and others played important roles in this content-driven film. Produced by Harshith Reddy and Hanshitha Reddy, the film has tunes composed by Bheems Ceciroleo.