Young hero Naga Shaurya’s father Shivalinga Prasad was arrested earlier today. He was apprehended by the police in a gambling case reported last week at a farmhouse in Manchirevula in Hyderabad outskirts. Shivalinga Prasad had reportedly violated the lease conditions and the owner took an action against him.
The police later produced Naga Shaurya’s Shivalinga Prasad in front of the court, where he was granted bail. The issue came to light on October 31st when police raided and found several people at the farmhouse gambling.
A case under the Telangana Gaming Act was registered at the Narsingi police station. The court granted bail to main suspect Gutta Suman Kumar in the case while the others were released earlier. The police had seized Rs 6.77 lakh, 33 mobile phones, three cars and 29 gambling sets.