Baby, an upcoming small film which has created quite a good buzz with its music for a few days, has got itself into an unnecessary Controversy due to the feedback of release poster. Within the 30 minutes after the release date poster was released, the makers of the movie”Baby” found themselves in a big Controversy.
Nowadays, the netizens on social media are ready to create an uproar online if anything offends them, and that is precisely what happened with the provocative poster of Baby film. To the consternation of many people, it looked as if it was specifically designed to offend the feelings of a section of people, mainly feminists.
The controversial poster shows a man boldly displaying his middle finger while the female holds herself to it in a posed manner. Soon after the poster got released, netizens began referencing Samantha’s previous “regressive” tweet as they expressed their dissatisfaction with this new poster. Many people were surprised that even films like “Baby”, which are publicized as decent love stories, would use such offensive pictures for their promotion.
Reacting to the negative response, the director of the film, “Baby” apologized and quickly pulled the poster off their social media channels and recalled it. Nevertheless, in less than thirty minutes, the damage had already been done. The poster was widely distributed on several accounts thanks to tweets, WhatsApp messages and various other means. Now we need to wait and see how the team of Baby handles this Controversy.