After appearing in a blockbuster film like Baby, Actress Vaishnavi did not get the big offers like other actresses, but finally, she is said to have grabbed a big opportunity as per the reports. The inside reports strongly suggest that the young actress is in talks for DJ Tillu fame Siddhu Jonnalagadda – Bommarillu Bhaskar’s upcoming project .
Everyone is aware that the film, Baby, which was released as a small film, became a massive blockbuster at the box office. Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya were praised for their performances. Especially for Vaishnavi, it was a considerable success as a heroine. Though she could not get continuous offers, finally it looks like she received a right kind of film.
DJ Tillu, the blockbuster film, made Siddhu Jonnalagadda a star. Currently, he is getting ready the sequel ‘Tillu Square’ and will be doing a film with director Nandini Reddy. Moreover, he had a formal Pooja ceremony for another film with Bommarillu Bhaskar. According to the inside sources, Vaishnavi Chaitanya will be playing the female lead role in the film.
Reportedly, the role of the heroine has a great importance in the film. If this opportunity really gets to Vaishnavi, it will be a big chance for her, and it can be proved as a turning point in her career. BVSN Prasad is producing the film.