Baby actress Vaishnavi Chaitanya became super popular with the movie registering a massive and sensational success. People who have seen Baby movie are going gaga over her performance. In her first film as a heroine, she made everyone stunned with her superb performance. Now it is being reported that the actress has grabbed a big opportunity.
As per the reports, Vaishnavi has got a good opportunity to act in Ram’s latest film, Double Ismart. There is talk that she has been given a heroine opportunity in the film. We know that the film is directed, a sequel to Ismart Shankar (2019). The film featured two actresses, Nabha Natesh and Nidhi Aggerwal. Now the sequel also has scope for two heroines and Vaishnavi Chaitanya has been chosen for one of them.
There is also news that the Baby actress will also work under the renowned Geetha arts banner. However, an official announcement in this regard is yet to be made.
Hero Ram recently sent his best wishes to Vaishnavi and congratulated her on the film’s success with a grand bouquet. This sweet gesture left the actress beaming, and she later shared this on social media.
When it comes to Vaishnavi’s personal life, she was born and raised in the old city of Hyderabad. Thereafter, she acted in short films. It took eight years for her to become a main heroine in a film. Vaishnavi is known to have acted as Allu Arjun’s younger sister in Allu Arjun’s Ala Vaikuntha Purramuloo, which was directed by Trivikram. Her performance in the film had got good marks. Not only that, she became more popular with this film.