Prabhas’ recently unveiled statue at a wax museum in Mysore has received great criticism from fans and well-wishers. The statue has absolutely no resemblance to the ‘Rebel Star’ and many fans are requesting the authorities to remove it from display. The statue is in a Baahubali get up which is the only way of recognizing it is his statue.
Meanwhile, Baahubali producer Shobu Yarlagadda has also taken notice of this matter and said that this is not an officially licensed work. He further added that he would take necessary action to get the statue removed. As a producer of Baahubali, all the rights of the characters, story, and other elements lie with Shobu and without his explicit permission, no commercial activity can be done involving the Baahubali franchise.
Prabhas already has a statue at Madame Tussauds in Bangkok. He is the first south Indian actor to have a statue at the prestigious wax museum. For creating that statue, all the necessary permissions and measurements were taken as per protocol. It needs to be seen what step Shobu Yarlagadda takes now.