Baahubali Producer, Shobu Yarlagadda and Director SS Rajamouli’s son SS Karthikeya have collaborated for two of their upcoming films. Malayalam Actor, Fahadh Faasil has been cast as the lead actor for both films officially. The films are titled Don’t Trouble the Trouble and the other is Oxygen. Shobu confirmed the news through X where he tweeted the same. Shobu earlier collaborated with the father of Karthikeya, SS Rajamouli for films Maryada Ramanna and Pan India sensation Baahubali.
He said that they are also introducing two talented directors with these two films, Shashank and Siddartha. He also said he is partnering with ambitious and dynamic Karthikeya. Karthikeya on the other hand too shared about him becoming a producer soon through his X account. He recently distributed the Telugu Version of the Malayalam blockbuster, Premalu. Premalu became a box office sensation by grossing more than 10 crores in the Telugu Version itself. The film impressed the youth audiences who supported the film during the second weekend as well.
Premalu initially competed with both Bhima and Gaami but withstood the competition and emerged as the winner. The film is also on its way to grossing more than 20 crores worldwide in its final run. It also grossed 100 crores with the Malayalam version worldwide. It will have its release in Tamil through Red Giants films soon.