Tollywood Actor Allu Arjun added one more feature to his cap. He is riding high with the Pan India success of his Pushpa. He also won the national award for his performance in the film. Allu Arjun became the first Telugu Actor to have won this award. Now, the actor has got a wax statue at Madame Tussauds in Dubai.
There are only three actors from Tollywood to have a wax statue at Madame Tussauds. Prabhas, Mahesh Babu, and Allu Arjun are the only three actors to have the wax statue. Prabhas too achieved a Pan India recognition with Baahubali and likewise had a wax statue in his Baahubali appearance. Mahesh Babu too enjoys nationwide popularity and got a statue. Now Allu Arjun with the phenomenal success of Pushpa managed to have the statue in Pushpa Style. The Actor through his social media accounts unveiled the statue at the unveiling ceremony.
His wife and kids were also present at the event. It also marked his 21st anniversary in the film Industry. His first Gangotri was released 20 years ago. On the work front, he is currently working on the sequel of Pushpa, Pushpa: The Rule. The release date is also announced. The film will release this August 15th on the occasion of Independence Day.