After teasing with a pre-look poster, the makers of the 20th movie of the hero Nikhil had launched the first look of the movie on the birthday of the actor. Directed by Bharat Krishnamachari and produced by Bhuvan and Sreekar under Pixel Studios with Tagore Madhu presenting it, Nikhil 20 got an intriguing title – Swayambhu. Now interesting news about the film’s VFX director is out.
The makers of Swayambhu this evening gave an official announcement that renowned VFX director Srinivas Mohan, who worked on the epic Baahubali series and global blockbuster RRR, has been roped in to look after the VFX work of Swayambhu.
The first look poster featured Nikhil as a fierce warrior on the battlefield. Wearing long hair like a typical warrior, Nikhil was seen on a horseback with a weapon (spear) in one hand and a shield in another hand. His dressing and makeover were really outstanding and liked by the audience.
With generating the curiosity about the film through the first look, which will start in August this year. Swayambhu is said to be the most expensive project in Nikhil’s career. It will be put together with superior technical standards.
Manoj Paramahamsa oversees the cinematography, while Ravi Basrur composes the music. M Prabhaharan is the production designer and the dialogues of the movie are provided by Vasudev Muneppagari.