Shahrukh Khan has set the box-office on fire with his latest film, Jawan. The film has registered record openings worldwide, and he has surpassed his own record of highest day 1 which he set earlier this year with Pathaan. Apart from King Khan’s stardom, a large credit for the movie also goes to Atlee’s grand vision and commercial elements that have been presented excitingly.
Jawan has collected over 65 Crores net in India for the Hindi version on its first day. Now with this action entertainer joining the 100cr+ Opening Gross Club, here is the full list of Indian films that grossed more than 100cr on Day 1:
Baahubali 2
KGF Chapter 2
Atlee’s Jawan is an out-and-out mass entertainer, quite on lines with Shankar’s vigilante action dramas. The commercial elements have come out really well and Atlee’s grand vision and Anirudh’s roaring BGM combined with King Khan’s unmatched screen presence and performance have succeeded in delivering a successful mass entertainer. The film also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupahthi, Priyamani, and Sanya Malhotra among others.