Ayalaan starring Siva Karthikeyan and Rakul Preet Singh released during this year’s Sankranthi. The film had been postponed several times and finally got released. It emerged as a decent-grossing film among Sankranthi films released in Tamil. The film was planned to be released in Telugu but the release didn’t happen due to various reasons. Now, Ayalaan’s Telugu Version is ready to stream on the OTT and its details are as follows:
Ayalaan was to be released during the Sankranthi season here as well. But Hanuman and Guntur Kaaram went neck to neck during the season and Ayalaan had no scope for release. The makers then planned to release it on Republic Day but it didn’t happen. Financial issues were said to be the reason. It became a very decent success at the box office in Tamil Nadu. The Tamil Version will be streaming on Sun NXT.
The Telugu Version of Ayalaan will stream from 19th April on Sun NXT. Ayalaan’s performance was very good considering its genre of being a Sci-fi Entertainer. It went on par with Dhanush’s Captain Miller which was projected as a Pan India film. Now, fans and audiences expect it to do well even on OTT after its streaming. Telugu Audiences are already waiting for it.