Ayalaan Telugu’s release has been postponed, and no dubbed movies will hit the screens this Sankranthi in Telugu States. It was reported that Siva Karthikeyan’s Ayalaan was planned to be released in Telugu states on January 12th, and the distributors were also locked. But the latest reports strongly suggest that the Ayalaan Telugu release has been postponed, and no Dubbed movies will hit the Screens this Sankranthi in Telugu States.
Finally, the team of Ayalaan understood the situation and withdrew the plans to release the film in Telugu states. Both Captain Miller and Ayalaan were set to be released on 12th January in Tamil only, but suddenly, yesterday, a few reports stated that Ayalaan will be released in Telugu States.
However, now it is confirmed that no dubbed films are releasing this Sankranthi in Telugu states. The new dates for the Telugu versions of Captain Miller and Ayalaan will be announced shortly, and most likely, they will hit screens on Republic Day.
Ayalaan is scheduled for a grand worldwide release on January 12, 2024. Ravikumar directs it. The movie has an impressive cast, with Rakul Preet Singh, Sharad Kelkar, Isha Koppikar, Bhanu Priya, and Yogi Babu all playing key roles.
Under the banners of 24 AM Studios and PhantomFX Studios, Kotapadi J Rajesh produced Ayalaan, which is expected to deliver a remarkable cinematic experience.