It is known that Tamil Star Hero Vijay is in Los Angeles along with director Venkat Prabhu for a 3D VFX scan of himself for his upcoming film, tentatively known as ‘Thalapathy 68’. The USC Institute for Creative Technologies is where the VFX work is being carried out by the team. James Cameron’s Avatar was also worked on by the same team. Thalapathy Vijay fans are all thrilled by all the new updates of the film.
The USC have never worked in an Indian film before this one. Notably, the USC Institute for Creative Technologies has won two Oscar Awards. Sharing a couple of pictures, director Venkat Prabhu wrote, “Welcome to the future. #Thalapathy68 @actorvijay @archanakalpathi”
The USC Institute for Creative Technologies and the USC Viterbi School of Engineering created the Light Stages to make credible digital duplicates for movies, television, video games and immersive simulations can be achieved by capturing and simulating how objects and people reflect any possible lighting. The Light Stages have been used to create photo-real digital actors in films such as Spider-Man 2, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Avatar, The Avengers, Maleficent, Furious 7, and The Jungle Book.
The film is said to be a complete action thriller, which will have Vijay playing double parts and will see the character of the father facing his son. One of the roles is said to be a RAW agent.