Some unknown people have attacked on Actor Naresh’s caravan This evening with stones, Naresh filed a complaint in police station. Close circles to Naresh are saying this attack was planned by his ex-wife, but as of now there’s no official information about the same.
Veteran Actor Naresh has been engaged in quite a few controversies in the recent past. His personal life has consistently made it to the news. Earlier this year, he revealed he is marrying actress Pavitra Lokesh with whom he was linked by the media with many times. He has already been married thrice and is yet to divorce his third wife, Ramya Raghupathi.
He is back in the news again as he lodged a police complaint that his house in Gachibowli has been attacked, and a few unknown people damaged his caravan. In the complaint, he said that his wife Ramya and her team might be behind this attack.
He added she wants to get him killed and hence these attacks are being planned. He has also submitted the CCTV footage to the cops. The police have registered a case, and the investigation is on. For the past many months, Naresh and Ramya have been putting allegations against each other, and no one knows when this drama ends.