Ashika Ranganath, the Kannada beauty is having her good time. The actress has managed to grab promising opportunities recently. She was cast as the leading heroine in Naa Saami Rangaa recently opposite Nagarjuna. The actress also managed to grab a role in Vishwambhara starring Chiranjeevi. Now, its seems Ashika Ranganath has grabbed a Pan India biggie.
Ashika Ranganath is said to be a part of Sardaar 2, a sequel of Sardaar starring Karthi and Raashi Khanna. Sardaar became a big hit for Karthi grossing more than 100 crores worldwide, also making it his highest one. Now, the sequel is planned as a Pan Indian biggie. A reputed actor is also being considered for the antagonist role in the film. Set work for the film is going on and shoot will also happen soon.
Sardaar was directed by PS Mithran who rose to fame with his earlier films, Irumbu Thirai starring Vishal and Hero starring Siva Karthikeyan. This will be his fourth film. The director was also speculated of collaborating with Telugu Actor Chiranjeevi but no progress was made afterwards. It needs to be seen how he directs the sequel and if all goes well the film can easily gross more than 100 crores worlwide again.