Bollywood has been going through a lean phase for the past couple of years. Apart from Shahrukh Khan’s all-time blockbuster Pathaan, no film managed to set the trade circles on fire this year. The last few years saw rare hits like Bhool Bhulaiyya 2, Drishyam 2, Kashmir Files, etc. which were just a bunch of super successful films out of a series of flops.
A- list star films like Aamir Khan’s Lal Singh Chaddha, Akshay Kumar’s Selfie, Rakshabandhan, and Samrat Prithviraj all ended up as major disasters. Ranveer Singh’s Cirkus and Ranbir Kapoor’s Shamshera were the other two notable flops of last year. While Ranbir Kapoor delivered a hit through Brahmastra, it wasn’t exactly as big a success as expected.
Compared to this, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam industries have been churning out hits at a better rate. All these industries contributed immensely to the pan-India movie trend. RRR, KGF, Pushpa, and Kantara manage to do brilliantly in the north as well.
Bollywood is falling behind on this and it seems they have taken up the task of reporting fake collections. Bollywood collections are usually said to be very authentic as the tracking is very transparent. But now, they have also started hyping the numbers.
In the case of Pathaan, it was widely reported that the collections are reported way higher than actuals to break Baahubali2 records. Now, the same is happening for Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai, Kisi Ki Jaan. The film was thrashed by critics and the audience is also showing little interest post-Eid holiday. Despite that, the collections are been shown on blockbuster levels.