In an unexpected turn of events, Saira Bhanu, wife of famous music composer AR Rahman, has declared her wish to divorce after nearly 30 years of marriage. The news broke late Tuesday, with an official statement from Saira’s lawyer, Vandana Shah, confirming the situation.
The statement explained that the decision was made following emotional pressure in their relationship. “Mrs. Saira has made the tough decision to end her marriage to Mr. AR Rahman after many years. Despite their strong love for each other, the couple has experienced tensions and challenges that have resulted in an impassable gap between them,” it said.
AR Rahman and Saira Bhanu married in 1995, in an arranged marriage orchestrated by Rahman’s mother. They have three children together, Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen. Their family has long been seen as a strong unit, so this statement is all the more surprising. AR Rahman has yet to comment on the breakup. On the work front A.R Rahaman is working on professional projects like Chhaava, Thug Life, and a collaboration with Ram Charan and Buchi Babu.
Fans and well-wishers around the world were taken aback by the news, since they had always appreciated the couple’s relationship. Saira has sought public understanding and space during this period, focusing on personal healing and progress.