The ticket prices issues in Andhra Pradesh is turning out to be quite tense for the upcoming Sankranti releases. After the government appealed against the High Court’s decision to strike out its earlier order, the court has scheduled January 3rd as the next hearing date. Andhra Pradesh government has time till the next hearing to share its complete stance on the ticket issue.
Jaganmohan Reddy has been quite firm on this move and has not been willing to go back on the price rates for quite some time. The G.O 35 had put the producers and exhibitors in a spot of bother as they are already reeling under losses due to Covid enforced lockdown.
The AP High Court had earlier dismissed the G.O 35 that regulated the ticket prices in the state. The G.O was issued in April much to the disappointment of the filmmakers.
However, just a day after the striking out of the G.O.35, the AP government approached the court. The Andhra Pradesh government has decided to appeal against this decision of the High Court in what it is terming as an anti-people.
The next hearing of 3rd January is too close to the Sankranti release and with RRR scheduled on 7th January and Radhe Shyam set to release on 14th January, it looks like a tense next few days for the makers.
In case things don’t work out in favour of the makers, there are reports of the makers approaching the Supreme Court and even differing the release in Andhra Pradesh till the issue resolves.