The Andhra Pradesh government has issued a new Government Order providing relief to the film industry. The new G.O has tweaked the earlier rules of AP Cinema Regulation Rules, 1970. According to the earlier rules, the government could fix the maximum admission rates of movie theatres. Now this ‘maximum’ clause has been removed and it has empowered the government to change the ticket rates from time to time depending on the need and demands of the situation.
To put it in simple words, a producer of a film can now put a request in front of the government authorities to bring in changes of ticket prices. The government, after its due diligence and after verifying producers’ and exhibitors’ requests can change the ticket prices from time to time.
This is a huge relief for the entire film industry especially the producers and exhibitors as the earlier G.O issued in April had fixed the ticket rates all over. This was met with huge opposition by the film industry who claimed that this movie would push the films in losses.
The earlier rules required the intervention of courts in order to change the ticket prices. However, with the new amendment, the producers can directly approach the AP government and put forth their requests for change in ticket prices.