Pawan Kalyan has been one of the staunchest critics of the Andhra Pradesh government for quite some time. The Janasena chief has time and again questioned the misgovernance of the AP government and has faced consequences on his films.
Just like last year’s Vakeel Saab, this year his much-awaited Bheemla Nayak has also become a victim of political vendetta. The ticket price issue was resolved and the government had promised that the recommendations of AP Ticket Pricing Committee will be brought into implementation.
However, with just two days to go for the release, it appears that the new orders will not come anytime sooner. The government officials have instructed the theatre owners and distributors to strictly follow the GO 35. The new orders might come in the first week of March and will surely impact the film’s opening collections in AP.
In stark contrast to this, the Telangana government has permitted 5 shows for Bheemla Nayak till March 11th. It would be interesting to see how Pawan Kalyan reacts to this vendetta politics by the AP Government. With the pre-release event scheduled to happen today, Powerstar’s speech is surely going to be a fiery one! Bheemla Nayak is set to release on February 25th.