At a time when entire Tollywood is battling the ticket price issue, Nagarjuna has made sensational comments that have shocked many. Speaking to the media during the promotions of Bangarraju Nagarjuna said that the current ticket prices were enough for his film.
He was answering a question regarding the ongoing tickets pricing issue in Andhra Pradesh and its impact on his film.
“Speaking about politics on a cinema-related stage is not the correct thing to do. However, speaking of the tickets, the current price of tickets in AP is enough for my film,” he added.
This statement from Nagarjuna is facing a lot of critique for being self-centered. At a time when the entire industry is facing the issue there is a need to be united and not seek one’s own benefit.
Bangarraju is jointly produced by Annapurna Studios and Zee Studios banners. Kalyan Krishna is directing this project which is a prequel to the 2016 socio fantasy Soggade Chinni Nayana. Naga Chaitanya will be teaming up with Nagarjuna for the other lead role.