Radhe Shyam starring Prabhas and Pooja Hegde is releasing tomorrow. Andhra Pradesh government on Monday approved a new G.O. on permitting new shows and ticket price hikes. Makers of Radhe Shyam waited for long and even postponed their film’s release for this ticket price hike. But the hike that has been promised was not granted by the government officially through a G.O. The film’s bookings too didn’t open in the booking portals till evening. However the AP government has finally given the hike for Radhe Shyam it seems.
An additional Rs 50/- was also allowed with ticket hike price which made the makers even more happy. AP Cinematography minister, Perni Nani has even mentioned this to help big budgeted films like Radhe Shyam and upcoming RRR. But as said there was still no official confirmation by the Goverment regarding this till today’s evening. This made the makers worried. But at last all their prayers have been listened but with a small change. The hike will only be Rs 25/- in the place of the earlier Rs 50/- The film will have revised G.O. ticket prices with Rs 25/- additional hike.
Radhe Shyam is going to be third Pan-Indian film for prabhas after Bahubali and Sahoo. The opening in AP is also very big on cards. This will also be a big budget for the film after Pushpa. The fate of the film also is important for the upcoming biggies like RRR and KGF. Let’s wait and see what happens.