The most glamorous and evergreen heroine Anushka Shetty has recently celebrated her 15Years journey in cinema industry during Nishabdam pre-release event, which was held last week. Nishabdam which was earlier scheduled for April 2nd release has been postponed future due to Corona Virus OutBreak. After Baahubali2, Sweety has taken a break for a while and now she is busy signing new projects.
Megastar Chiranjeevi starring Acharya which is being directed by Koratala Shiva is currently undershooting part but recently Trisha who is the lead actress has walked out from Acharya with this Anushka is now being considered as the lead actress opposite to Chiru, Official announcement for the team is still awaited. Hope Anushka makes her career busy with star-studded movies as before. Not only this but Anushka is also near to sign for another film with UV Creations for a lady-oriented film after Baagamathi which became a HIT. If everything goes well then we all can see Anushka in these huge projects.