Naga Chaitanya’s Thank You directed by Vikram K Kumar is going on at a brisk pace after multiple delays due to Covid. The romantic drama stars Rashi Khanna in lead role and also stars Avika Gor and Malvika Nair in key roles. Now Sai Sushanth Reddy has also joined the cast of the film making the movie even more exciting.
Thank You team recently returned from Italy amidst the outbreak of Covid second wave. The unit had to abandon the shoot leaving some key scenes between Naga Chaitanya and Rashi Khanna in balance.
Naga Chaitanya’s Thank You will be the second project between the actor and Vikram Kumar. The duo had earlier worked together in Manam. Incidentally, Rashi Khanna also played a cameo in Manam and the pair looked great together.
Rashi, who was last seen in ‘World Famous Lover’ opposite Vijay Devarakonda has been missing from action for almost more than a year and would be looking to register a hit to her credit with Thank You.
The presence of Sai Sushant Reddy, Avika Gor and Malavika Nair in the support cast has definitely raised the expectations on the film.