Kalyan Shankar has written and directed MAD, an upcoming youthful entertainer that will focus on college students. Narne Nithin, Ram Nithin, Sangeeth Shobhan, Sri Gouri Priya Reddy, and Ananathika Sanilkumar play the main roles in the film. MAD has adopted the paid premieres for promotional strategy, which is the latest trend in the Telugu film industry.
Naga Vamsi, the film’s presenter, has clarified it that the movie will have paid premieres in both Telugu states, as previously announced. This evening the makers announced that these premieres will be held in locations such as Rajahmundry, Vizag, Vijayawada, Tirupathi, Nellore, Kakinada, Vizag, Guntur and others on October 5, 2023, followed by a premiere in Hyderabad the night before the official release date.
Suryadevara Naga Vamsi is confident that the movie will leave a lasting impression on audiences, and he told the same in many promotional events for the film. Haarika is making her debut as a producer with the film, and Bheems Ceciroleo is the music director for MAD