Music Director Anirudh is facing reputation damage among the Telugu audience, which is impacting his fame and brand among the Telugu film lovers. The Telugu version of Leo’s Naa Ready song is the reason for this. It is widely known that over the recent years, Anirudh has made a good name across the languages. But his recent work and especially the output he is giving in Telugu songs has made his image weaker.
There is no need to mention currently Anirudh is the NO 1music director of not only Kollywood but for the entire Indian Cinema as all the industries offering massive remunerations to him because of his brand and sensational image.
So at this time he should be careful about each and everything in his work as now he is doing pan India films which are being dubbed into other languages, but he is not taking care of dubbed versions lyrics. It is also the director’s responsibility, but the blame will go to the music director only as the same happened with Leo film’s Telugu version songs are very poorly written and Anirudh is getting big blame from the audiences.
Thalapathy Vijay’s Leo film’s Naa Ready Song’s Telugu version was released yesterday and the response to the Telugu lyrics is unanimously bad. Anirudh should understand the importance of all versions and should take care of this problem or else he will continue to lose his reputation. If the audience did not like the song, it will impact him and the entire movie’s impact as well. Especially in Telugu, the songs will play a key role.