Thalapathy Vijay’s upcoming film Leo, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, has been able to generate a huge amount of buzz on social media lately. The anticipation is mounting as the movie’s release is only ten days away. Recently, Seven Screen Studio, the production house of Leo, unveiled the third single, Anbenum (Prema Oh Ayudham in Telugu). Though the fans of Vijay are happy to listen to the song, music director Anirudh Ravichander has disappointed once again with his work.
For the film, Leo, whether it may be the teaser, trailer, first two singles and now the third single for everything Anirudh’s music is continuously falling short of expectations with his output.
Leo’s 1st single Naa Ready was liked by fans and some sections of audiences, but the 2nd single got a very poor response and now the 3rd single, which has been released today, is receiving much poorer response than the 2nd single. Anirudh has to impress big time in the film with his background score to live up to the expectations.
The trailer and initial singles that were recently released have received a mixed response from cinephiles. But the buzz surrounding the film kept raising because it is not dedicated to Thalapathy Vijay’s fan base, but also extends to fans of director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s cinematic universe. The anticipation is growing exponentially, and fans are eagerly exploring the potential connections Leo may have with other films in LCU by scanning the lyrical videos and trailer for hidden clues.