Animal’s box office numbers reflect the poor social condition of India, says Siddhartha Nuni. The controversies and diverse opinions will not stop for Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal. After Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan criticized the film in parliament, Dop Siddharth Muni slammed the film and said Animal box office numbers reflect the poor social condition of India.
Siddhartha Nuni is a DOP currently working for Dhanush’s Captain Miller, set to be released for Sankranthi. He also works for Thalapathy 68 [Vijay – Venkat Prabhu’s film]. Lately, he posted a review on his Instagram account about Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal movie. Animal’s box office numbers reflect the poor social condition of India, says Siddhartha Nuni.
Siddharth stated that he got triggered after watching Animal. He said he did not like the film glorifying toxic Masculinity, excessive violence, and glorifying Nazis (Hero wearing a Swastika on his chest). He also stated that he is entirely against the last scene where Ranbir Kapoor makes objectionable gestures to the audience. Animal’s box office numbers reflect the poor social condition of India, said Siddhartha Nuni.
DOP Siddhartha Nuni criticizes Animal
All about Animal
Animal is about a dysfunctional relationship between a father and his son, as well as the son’s drive for bloody retribution when his father is attacked.
On December 1st, the action drama was released in cinemas. The technical aspects, the soundtrack scored by Harshavardhan Rameshwar, and Ranbir Kapoor’s performance were all massive highlights in the film. Animal stars Ranbir, Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol, Tripti Dimri, and Prithviraj Babloo, among others.