Animal Trailer boosts advance bookings. It is widely known that Bollywood Star Hero Ranbir Kapoor and Dynamic Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga are coming up with Animal. The film’s trailer was released recently, and it was outstanding. It garnered excellent responses from all over, and as a result, Animal Trailer boosts advance bookings.
The trailer worked well for the film. When the film’s director, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, announced the movie’s runtime would be more than 200 minutes, there were some negative vibes about the movie because such a lengthy runtime is not considered good. Still, Sandeep proved he had made the film with solid content, which is evident in the trailer.
The trailer of Animal got a unanimous positive response from audiences. With that, the advance bookings in Overseas witnessed a massive jump over the past 24 hours, and the trade expects it to take a phenomenal opening in Overseas and India as well. Hindi and Telugu language bookings have picked up momentum after the trailer’s release.
In India, full-fledged bookings will open from Sunday, and a phenomenal start is expected. In Hyderabad, Animal’s limited bookings have opened, and the response is fabulous, as the film has already crossed 50 lakhs in advance bookings in Hyderabad city. Animal is expected to target the biggest Telugu opener for a Bollywood Hero.
In North America, Animal’s opening day pre-sales have already crossed the 200K mark, and the same strong impact is visible in all other overseas territories. Overall, Animal Trailer boosts advance bookings.