Animal movie underperforms in certain areas at the box office. It is widely known that the film Animal is creating records in Hindi and Telugu all over India and is on the way to reaching the 1000Cr mark worldwide. But in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the movie fails to perform at the expected levels and delivers below-par numbers, far from Pathaan and Jawan. Animal movie underperforms in certain areas at the box office.
Overseas markets like UAE, Gulf, UK, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore, and Germany were critical contributors for Pathaan and Jawan, and those films’ numbers are miles ahead of Animal Movie. To reduce this underperformance, the film has to break Pathaan and Jawan with more significant margins in India’s Hindi and Telugu versions.
Then, only the film will have a chance to get to the Top 1 or Top 2 Hindi grosser. Currently, Animal Movie getting the position of Top 3 Hindi grosser is confirmed undoubtedly, but to get to the Top 2, it should break Pathaan, which collected 1000Cr+ only in the Hindi version.
The advantage of Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal movie is that it is getting a superb response in Telugu. Let’s see where the run of this action drama ends.