Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal has set the box office on fire with the film registering record collections in every territory. The film is setting many new records in Ranbir Kapoor’s career and has continued Bollywood’s victory run in 2023. With today’s collections, Animal has crossed his previous best Sanju [585Cr] gross worldwide and has emerged as the career biggest for Ranbir Kapoor.
The film will achieve another milestone and that is joining the Rs 600Cr club. It is the 1st 600Cr film for Ranbir Kapoor. It is also the 5th Indian film to join the 600Cr club this year after Pathaan, Gadar2, Jawan, and Jailer.
Animal revolves around a toxic relationship between a father and his son and the son’s quest for blood-filled vengeance when his father gets attacked. The action drama was released in theaters on December 1st. The film’s technical aspects, music, and Ranbir Kapoor’s performance stood as massive highlights. Animal features an ensemble cast of Ranbir, Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol, Tripti Dimri, Prithviraj Babloo among others.