Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna among others has created great noise at the box office with the movie emerging as a great box-office success. Animal has again proven that audience hype and interest is way bigger than a heavy-budget film with star hero cameos.
Ranbir Kapoor’s Brahmastra was a heavy-budget film made on Rs 400Cr+ and starred big stars like Amitabh Bachchan and had cameos from Shahrukh Khan and Nagarjuna among others. Riding on these factors, the film managed to collect around Rs 410Cr gross worldwide. Animal, on the other hand with an A certificate and 3.5 hours runtime has hit the Rs 400Cr mark and has crossed Brahmastra in just 4 days without any heavy star cast.
For 4 days, Animal movie grossed more than 420Cr which is sensational. This Sandeep Reddy Vanga film is not a massive budget film or a visual wonder loaded with VFX. It focuses only on content and the Bollywood audience has showered it with great love. After a strong weekend performance, many expected that it will see drops on Monday. But, Animal maintained its stronghold, and the latest reports suggest that it collected around 36 Crores Net in the Hindi version in India today.