Anchor Suma is getting ready for Jayamma Panchayati’s release. Vijay Kumar kalivarapu is directing the social drama with Suma Kanakala. M.M. kiravani composes the music. The songs and trailer received well by the audience. Jayamma Panchayati is slated for release on 6th May.
Suma is busy in promoting the film. In fact Suma used to take a lot of interviews for other films as part of promotions. But this time she is in the guest’s seat instead of host seat. She has been giving interviews for other anchors. In one of the interviews, the anchor turned actor cleared the air around some rumours.
While talking to Ali, Suma responded on the rumours about disputes with her husband. At one point of time, it was heard that Rajeev and Suma are staying seperate. Reacting to that Suma said that it is true that there are some fights between my husband and I. In the span of 23 years many fights were happened.
She also quoted that Getting divorce as husband and wife is easy but not after becoming parents. So she hinted that their children are the reason to keep the couple together. Suma is well known household name in Telugu states and everyone wishes the best to happen for Suma always.