Anchor and actress Anasuya Bharadwaj, who was recently seen in Krishna Vamsi’s Ranga Marthanda, has once again taken a dig at Vijay Deverakonda and his fans. We know the recent controversy of Anasuya over her indirect tweets on Rowdy Star over the new poster of Kushi. Recently, Anasuya posted a tweet with a reference of Athadu movie’s punch dialogue giving an indirect hint that Vijay Deverakonda is using PR Stunts.
The whole issue started with Kushi poster, in which Vijay’s name appears as ‘THE Vijay Deverakonda’ (what he uses on social media) and Anasuya found it to be absurd. As Anasuya posted a satirical tweet by mentioning “THE”, netizens on social media noted that Anasuya was referring to Vijay Deverakonda. Her tweet went viral and many Vijay fans targeted and trolled her with a few mean comments as well.
After the fans targeted Anasuya, she put out another tweet in which she stated that the stars should guide their fans on how to behave on social media. She also asked what’s the use of having such a large following when fans are not responsible. “I don’t know what’s stopping all these Stars to take a stand on any wrong doing in the name of their fans. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. In my given Power I am being Responsible. Fans/following potundana? Alanti following lekuntene better kadandi (in the original).”
It looks like Anasuya has some serious issues with Vijay Deverakonda. In the recent past, she took twitter by storm when she posted an indirect satire on the Liger movie’s result. At that time also netizens made many trolls against Anasuya. Some netizens are saying that she should let go Vijay Deverakonda and mind her own business, or else she should have a chat with him personally and clear the differences whatsoever.