We all know that how active Anchor Anasuya Bharadwaj is on the social network platforms. She always tells her opinion, no matter how Controversial may it sound. Apart from that, she also shares everything in her personal life with her fans as well. Moreover, she entertains her admirers by sharing hot photoshoots. Now once she raised the heat with her glam photos.
Today is Anasuya’s wedding day. On that occasion, she celebrated her anniversary on Thailand’s beach with her husband Bharadwaj. She shared her glamorous photos and celebration images, which went viral within minutes on social media. The netizens were awed by Anasuya and they were smitten by her beauty.
Anasuya took to her Instagram account and shared the photos in which she was wearing swim wear and was romancing with her husband on the shore of the sea. She wished her husband on their wedding day and kissed him. She shared a special post expressing her love for her husband. Currently, these photos and videos of Anasuya have gone viral.
Regarding Anasuya Bharadwaj’s career, she gave a little distance to anchoring as she is receiving successive film offers. Recently, she impressed audiences with her performance in Krishna Vamsi’s Ranga Marthanda. Anasuya is currently acting in many small films along with the much awaited Pushpa 2.