Renowned Anchor Anasuya Bharadwaj has also made quite a good image as an actress. Films like Kshanam, Rangasthalam, and Pushpa The Rise have shown the acting prowess of Anasuya. Now with the upcoming film Vimanam she is playing a.bold role and looks like she has got another character which can raise her image as a wonderful actress. Vimanam, the movie’s trailer, has been released this evening.
The trailer shows the stories\lives of the people who live in a slum area which is located next to an airport. A Father – Son who work hard to meet their daily needs. While the son, who watches the airplanes flying over his head all the day, wants to fly on a flight, the disabled father tries hard by doing petty jobs to fulfill the dream of his son. Whether the Father – Son duo were able to succeed in achieving their dream or not, we will get to know in the movie.
Anasuya Bharadwaj plays the role of a prostitute named Sumathi who is good at heart. While the whole world has lusted over her, the moment in which she knows that there is someone who loves her purely for what she is, she is stunned. The trailer shows heartwarming emotions between the two characters, Sumathi and Koti. Let’s wish Anasuya will once again display her acting prowess in this bold role.
Vimanam trailer suggests that it is a film filled with many of heart – touching emotions in the lives of different people and shows their journey as an emotionally captivating experience. Overall, the film gives a vibe of an emotional rollercoaster ride. Siva Prasad Yanala is the director of the film while ZEE Studios and Kiran Korrapati (Kiran Korrapati Creative Works) jointly produced the film. The film’s trailer was unveiled by actress Anupama Parameswaran on Thursday (June 1) and wished the ‘Vimanam’ team all the best.