Vijay Deverakonda is set to join his upcoming film, VD 14, which is planned as a pan-Indian biggie. To everyone’s surprise, Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan is the latest addition to the cast. The film has also been launched officially with a set work recently.
This film is said to be based on historical events set in the period of 1850s. Rashmika Mandanna is also rumoured to play the female lead in the film. Amitabh Bachchan is believed to have been approached for a crucial role in the film. VD 14’s budget will be more than 100 crores produced by Mythri Movie Makers and directed by Rahul Sankrityan, fame of Shyam Singha Roy and Taxiwaala.
Rahul Sankrityan tweeted about the film and its concept on his official X/Twitter handle. It goes as ” Set work started today with an auspicious pooja. A great tale on colonial history laid its first brick on our 76th Republic day. Am sure this film is going to be one of the most powerful films ever made on the Colonial history(unspoken) of India.”
The film as indicated to be featuring Indian history has great potential to work big at Pan India level if picturised well. Vijay Deverakonda is also said to go through a different makeover tranformation for the film. Further details will also come out soon.