It is very well known to everyone that young director Sujeeth is making an action entertainer with Power Star Pawan Kalyan in the lead role. The film is titled OG. The shooting of the film is currently going on uninterruptedly in and around Hyderabad. Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi has been roped in to play the antagonist in the movie. Now, if the inside reports are to be believed, Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan is reportedly in talks with the OG team to act as the father of Pawan Kalyan.
Since Pawan Kalyan is presently busy with his political campaign Varahi Vijaya Yatra following the upcoming elections in Andhra Pradesh, some scenes that are not related to him in the film are being shot by the unit. Currently, some crucial scenes are also being shot on Emraan Hashmi. If Pawan Kalyan allots dates for another 15 days in August, the entire part of his portions will be completed.
It is said that there will be a powerful character as Pawan Kalyan’s father in the film. Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan has already been approached by the makers of the movie for the role, as per the reports. But as of now nothing is confirmed, and whether he has agreed or not will be known very soon. Needless to say that this fascinating combination will certainly excite the fans. Let’s hope that this combo materializes for real.
The film, OG, consists of an impressive star cast as apart from Pawan Kalyan in the lead role, the film has Priyanka Arul Mohan as the female lead along with Prakash Raj, Arjun Das. Also Kick Shyam plays Pawan’s elder brother and Shreya Reddy plays the role of his sister-in-law. The film will be released in December 2023.