“I can’t compare with you, Rajinikanth,” says Amitabh Bachchan the Big B of Indian Cinema. It is widely known that the two legendary actors, Superstar Rajinikanth and Big B Amitabh Bachchan, are doing a film together. Today, the two were shooting together. Rajinikanth shared the photos from the sets. They both had a heartfelt conversation on X (Formerly Twitter) where the Shahenshah Actor said, “I can’t compare with you, Rajinikanth,”
‘Jai Bhim’ fame T.J. Gnanavel has handed over the responsibility of directing the 170th film of Superstar Rajini. As mentioned above, Amitabh and Rajini met on the film’s sets today. Rajinikanth tweeted ” After 33 years, I am working again with my mentor, the phenomenon, Shri Amitabh Bachchan, in the upcoming Lyca’s “Thalaivar 170″ directed by T.J Gnanavel. My heart is thumping with joy!”
Big B Replied, ” Sir, you are too gracious to me, but just see the Film title; its THALAIVAR 170 .. Thalaivar means Leader, Head, Chief. You are the head, the Leader, and the Chief .. ANY DOUBT people, I cannot compare myself with! My great honour to be working with you again.”
The two legends of Indian Cinema have shared screen space in super successful films like ‘Andha Kanoon,’ ‘Gibraltar’ and ‘Hum.’ After 33 years, both of them are doing a movie.
Apart from Amitabh Bachchan, the film also stars Rana Daggubati, Malayalam lady superstar Manju Warrier, Ritika Singh of ‘Guru’ fame, and Dushara Vijayan. Fahadh Faasil, introduced to the Telugu audience with ‘Pushpa’ and gaining more recognition nationwide, is playing the lead role. Lyca Productions are producing the film.
According to sources, Rajini will be seen as a retired cop in the movie. The part of the superstar is that of a person who fights against the encounter policy or system.