The release of Sivakarthikeyan’s Amaran teaser has sprung protests in Tamil Nadu. Directed by Rajkumar Periasamy and Stefan Richter, the film is based on the story of Major Mukund Varadarajan, an Ashok Chakra recipient. Amaran is produced by Kamal Haasan and now both Sivakarthikeyan and Kamal Haasan have come under scanner for the portrayal of some controversial scenes in the teaser.
Members of the Tamilaga Makkal Jananayaga Katchi (TMJK) have been protesting since the teaser releases alleging that the teaser of the film portrayed Kashmiri Muslims in a bad light. The group has stated that the film promotes unnecessary negativity against Kashmiri Muslims.
The organization claimed that in Tamil Nadu all religions live together like brothers and this film is creating disputes between religions. They are demanding the arrest of Sivakarthikeyan and Kamal Haasan. The protestors burnt the effigies of both the actors and staged a protest demanding strict action.
“The teaser of the film has scenes portraying the Muslims and the people of Kashmir as terrorists. The government of Tamil Nadu should immediately intervene and ban the film,” said a leader of TMJK.
Amaran teaser was recently released by the makers of the film and received overall appreciation for its visuals and technical values. Sivakarthikeyan’s transformation into an army man’s role was also one of the major plus points of the teaser.